Snowy Berlin on 35mm

Between November 2020 and March 2021 Berlin has been in a coronavirus lockdown hell. We’re still restricted as I write this.

Being locked down over winter definitely hasn’t been the best time, to put it lightly. My creativity has taken a tremendous hit and my is just going towards making it through to when lockdown is lifted.

In saying that, amongst the dark days have been some really lovely days full of laughter and light. Those were the days it snowed. The sound of children and families laughing, playing in the park, people skating on the canals. For a short while, it almost felt like we weren’t in the middle of a pandemic lockdown.

On those days Paddy and I went for extended walks around our neighbourhood, we even went out to a lake to escape the concrete jungle. The following is an assortment of my favourite film photos. I’m honestly so happy with these. Seeing such nice results amongst such a dark time has brought some inspiration back.


Mallorca Magic


A weekend in Hamburg on 35mm